
Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance is very important in your to do list before planning your travel to any country. Most people take travel insurance lightly and never discuss travel insurance in detail with their travel agents. It is important to know what your travel insurance covers you against in the event of any unforeseen situations which may subject you to a financial loss or otherwise.

Travel insurance covers different features and it is up to you to choose and ensure you are adequately covered. The first and most common is Trip Cancellation/Interruption coverage. Most of these policies cover cancellations due to weather, sudden illness, death and emergencies whilst at home or abroad. Another common type of travel insurance is for medical emergencies. This type of coverage is particularly useful if you plan on traveling to underdeveloped countries, or for individuals with an ongoing illness that might require medical attention at some point during the trip. These policies will reimburse you for the cost of doctor visits, medication, and sometimes even medical evacuation out of the country.

It’s best to check with your insurance provider regarding the details, as travel health coverage policies vary widely.

It is also possible to obtain travel insurance that will cover non-refundable tickets in the event that a trip has to be cancelled for any number of reasons. Some coverage plans will sometimes cover missed connections as well, which can be a lifesaver in the event of a flight delay or over-crowded and/or confusing airport terminal.

Nine Reasons to buy travel insurance

  • Your flight has been cancelled.
  • Your bags are lost and your medication is in it. You need to have an emergency prescription filled.
  • Your passport and wallet are stolen, and you need emergency cash and a replacement passport.
  • You’re involved in an accident and adequate medical treatment is not available. You need medical evacuation.
  • You need to cancel your trip due to illness.
  • Your cruise line, airline or tour operator goes bankrupt. You need your non-refundable expenses covered and to get to your destination.
  • You have a medical emergency in a foreign country.
  • A terrorist incident occurs in the city where you’re planning to visit and you want to cancel your trip.
  • A hurricane forces you to evacuate your resort, hotel or cruise.

For Further Information please Email us as info@ahwtravel.com or call us at 1-647-718-7837

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